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: TECHNOVATE: Journal of Information Technology and Strategic Innovation Management : TECHNOVATE : 4 issues per year (January, April, July, October) : by : - : 3047-2466 : I Gede Iwan Sudipa : I Putu Hendika Permana : PT. KARYA GEMAH RIPAH : | GARUDA | CROSSREF | BASE | GOOGLE SCHOLAR |
TECHNOVATE: Journal of Information Technology and Strategic Innovation Management is a journal managed and published by PT. KARYA GEMAH RIPAH. Located based on Denpasar, Bali, PT. KARYA GEMAH RIPAH aim to be a media for researchers and practitioners to publish their research. TECHNOVATE: Journal of Information Technology and Strategic Innovation Management was first published in January 2024 and has a publishing period four times a year, in January, april, july, and October.
TECHNOVATE: Journal of Information Technology and Strategic Innovation Management focused on new research addressing technology and the management of IT - including strategy, change, infrastructure, human resources, sourcing, system development and implementation, communications, technology developments, technology futures, Behavioural Information Systems and Human-Computer Interaction, Data Analytics, Data, Information and Security, E-Business, Intelligent Systems and Applications, Logistics and Supply Chain Management/Optimisation, Social Media Analysis, Technology Enhanced Learning.
All articles in TECHNOVATE: Journal of Information Technology and Strategic Innovation Management will be processed by the editor through the online journal system (OJS), and the author can monitor the entire process in the user interface area. All Articles published in TECHNOVATE: Journal of Information Technology and Strategic Innovation Management both hardcopy and softcopy, are available as open access licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-SA 4.0). for educational, research and library purposes, and beyond that purpose, the TECHNOVATE: Journal of Information Technology and Strategic Innovation Management editorial board is not responsible for copyright infringement. We invite you to collect articles / papers on TECHNOVATE: Journal of Information Technology and Strategic Innovation Management. The collection of articles in the TECHNOVATE: Journal of Information Technology and Strategic Innovation Management opens year-round and will be published four times a year in january, april, july, and october. We do PEER REVIEW to maintain quality publication.
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Current Issue
TECHNOVATE: Journal of Information Technology and Strategic Innovation Management is a scholarly journal that serves as a platform for professionals and the academic community to publish scientific work and research findings. The publication places significant emphasis on the originality of the work, the advancement of knowledge, and contributions across diverse disciplines science of information technology and strategic innovation management.
Volume 1 Issue 4 October 2024 consists of 6 articles with 7 authors from Universities or Institutions in Indonesia, Malaysia and Nigeria